NOTICE: Registration for the new a.a.2024/2025 edition opens in early January and ends Feb. 3, 2025.

NOTICE: Registration for the new a.a.2024/2025 edition opens in early January and ends Feb. 3, 2025.

NOTICE: Registration for the new a.a.2024/2025 edition opens in early January and ends Feb. 3, 2025.



Italy China Council Foundation (ICCF)

It provides assistance to Italian and European SMEs interested in the Chinese market.

Logo istituto Confucio di Napoli

Istituto Confucio di Napoli

It organizes Chinese language courses and numerous educational, scientific and cultural activities.

Logo Consolato Vietnam A Napoli

Consolato Vietnam A Napoli

It promotes and encourages social, cultural, touristic, scientific and commercial exchange between Vietnam and Italy.

Associazione Hub Italia Cina

Promotion of specialized training and access to the world of work between Italy and China.

Logo Ambasciata italiana a Pechino

Ambasciata d’Italia a Pechino

Diplomatic representation and promotion of culture and bilateral relations.