NOTICE: Enrollment can be finalized by March 3rd 2025, by paying the first installment and the student regional tax.

NOTICE: Enrollment can be finalized by March 3rd 2025, by paying the first installment and the student regional tax.

NOTICE: Enrollment can be finalized by March 3rd 2025, by paying the first installment and the student regional tax.

Internship Partners

Here you can find a list of organizations, companies, and institutions that have already partnered with the University of Naples L’Orientale to host students from previous editions of the Master in Global Management for China during their curricular internship.

Didn't find what you were looking for? Check out the FAQ section of this site to find out how to propose opening a new convention.

Il logo di GmbH


Production of printed circuit boards.

Il logo di ACBC con ilmotto: tutto può essere cambiato



Pioneers of sustainability in the fashion sector thanks to ESG consulting services and advanced research and development.


Assistance to companies, banks and financial institutions, multinationals and public bodies in all areas of commercial law.

logo Agenzia ICE

Agenzia ICE

Information, assistance, consultancy, promotion and training activities for small and medium-sized Italian companies.

Logo Ambasciata italiana a Pechino

Ambasciata d’Italia a Pechino

Diplomatic representation and promotion of culture and bilateral relations.

Associazione Hub Italia Cina

Promotion of specialized training and access to the world of work between Italy and China.

Logo Bonelli Erede

Bonelli Erede

Leading organization in Italy in legal services, active in all areas of commercial law and corporate criminal law.

Logo Branding Records

Branding Records

Bridge between European companies and the Asian market, offering digital services for a wide variety of sectors such as fashion, luxury, automotive, design, travel and FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods).

BS Business Strategies

Leading company engaged in development paths of SMEs on foreign markets, in the agri-food and luxury sectors, specialized in the world of wine.

Camera di Commercio italiana in Cina (CCIC)

Association of Italian entrepreneurs and professionals that works to promote the internationalization of Italian companies and the Made in Italy label in the PRC.

Logo Camera di Commercio Italo Cinese

Camera di Commercio Italo Cinese

It provides assistance and support to Italian and Chinese companies for their strategic development in their areas of interest.

COFCO International

It buys, sells, processes and distributes vital agricultural commodities, meeting global demand through assets spanning six continents.