NOTICE: Enrollment can be finalized by March 3rd 2025, by paying the first installment and the student regional tax.

NOTICE: Enrollment can be finalized by March 3rd 2025, by paying the first installment and the student regional tax.

NOTICE: Enrollment can be finalized by March 3rd 2025, by paying the first installment and the student regional tax.

Serena Di Fusco

Chinese Language Teaching
University of Naples L’Orientale

Serena Di Fusco is Research Assistant for the European project Chinese Grammar Platform (ChinGram) at the University of Naples L’Orientale.

She holds a master’s degree cum laude in Comparative Literatures and Cultures from the University of Naples L’Orientale, where she also completed a one-year postgraduate course in Chinese Language Teaching in 2021. She has worked as an adjunct professor of Chinese at the University of Naples Federico II (2022-2024) and at the SSML Columbus Academy of Rome (2023-2024). She has also been an Italian as a Second Language teacher at Huaqiao University of China in Quanzhou and Xiamen (2019-2023), and an academic tutor for the Master in Global Management for China (2023-2024).

She co-authored the textbook “Il cinese per il lavoro” published by Hoepli in 2024.

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