NOTICE: Enrollment can be finalized by March 3rd 2025, by paying the first installment and the student regional tax.

NOTICE: Enrollment can be finalized by March 3rd 2025, by paying the first installment and the student regional tax.

NOTICE: Enrollment can be finalized by March 3rd 2025, by paying the first installment and the student regional tax.

Francesco Boggio Ferraris

Intercultural Management Strategies
Italy China Council Foundation - ICCF

Francesco Boggio Ferraris is Director of the Academy at the Italy China Council Foundation (ICCF).

He was born in Milan in 1980 and graduated with honors in Political Science with a thesis titled “The Rise of China as a Power. A New Bipolarism?”. He graduated in Chinese Language and Culture at Is.I.A.O. and obtained the HSK certificate of proficiency in the Chinese language, furthering his studies at Nankai University in Tianjin and BLCU in Beijing, where he completed a training program from the Catholic University of Milan focused on teaching Chinese. Since 2009, he has been the director of the School of Continuing Education at the Italy China Foundation and since 2022 of the ICCF Academy – Italy China Council Foundation.

In recent years, he has focused his efforts on designing and implementing training consultancy programs tailored to intercultural management strategies for Italian businesses and numerous multinationals in Italy and Europe, particularly in the fashion, luxury, and hospitality services sectors for Chinese tourists.

He is a lecturer in various master’s programs, from the MBA “Doing Business in BRICS” at Luiss Business School to the master’s in Teaching Italian as a Second Language to Sinophone students at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. Additionally, he oversees the intercultural management module of the Global Management for China master’s program. He is a member of the scientific committee of the journal “Mondo Cinese”. In June 2015, he inaugurated the first Chinese branch of the School of Continuing Education at the Italy China Foundation in Chongqing.

In 2020, he published “Business in China. Tools, Strategies, and Opportunities along the New Silk Road” with Mondadori. He has been a speaker at numerous conferences, including the following selections:

  • Digital China Week, moderator, East Media/TRIBOO
  • FashionAble World, Venistar, Milan
  • Alibaba Edu Export Bootcamp, Milan
  • Belt and Road Initiative Forum III, IV edition (Class Editori and Xinhua)
  • FIMI – Forum for the Internationalization of Made in Italy, (Messe Frankfurt, Elle Decor), Cariplo Foundation, Milan
  • China Day in Orvieto (Italy China Foundation, MIBACT, University of Perugia, Umbria Region)
  • Meeting of Rimini (for Federlegno and Arredo)
  • Milan Furniture Fair (for Federlegno and Arredo)
  • Italy China Foundation China Opening, Italian Consulate in Chongqing
  • Ancient and New Silk Roads, Ambrosiana Academy, Milan
  • Intercultural Forum, Assolombarda, Milan
  • EXPO Milan 2015, in collaboration with Rai and Bon Wei, Milan
  • Italy of Taste (China Business Incubator), Parma Fair
  • Studio Marco Piva Architecture and Design, Hotel Gallia, Milan
  • Confimprese Business Retail in China, Milan Fair
  • ECEC – Europe Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention, Campione
  • Biz Travel Forum IFCOT – International Forum on Chinese Outbound Tourism, Milan Fair
  • Prospects and Strategies for Tourism, Palazzo Strozzi Foundation, Florence

Other teachers for Lecturers and Experts

Emanuele Vitali

Digital Marketing and E-commerce
East Media


Alberto Vettoretti

Legal, Accounting and Tax Advisory
Dezan Shira & Associates


Valeria Varriano

Chinese Language and Literature
University of Naples L’Orientale


Enrico Toti

Commercial and Corporate Law
