NOTICE: Enrollment can be finalized by March 3rd 2025, by paying the first installment and the student regional tax.

NOTICE: Enrollment can be finalized by March 3rd 2025, by paying the first installment and the student regional tax.

NOTICE: Enrollment can be finalized by March 3rd 2025, by paying the first installment and the student regional tax.


Here you can more easily find the most requested information about admission requirements, application procedures, student career, and admission to the final exam for the Master in Global Management for China through a series of FAQs – that is, answers to frequently asked questions accessible to everyone.

1. Enrollment and Registration

To be admitted to the Master’s program, you must have:

  • a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or equivalent qualification.
  • an intermediate knowledge of Chinese (proven by having an HSK 4 certificate, or at least 24 CFU in Chinese language with an average grade of 28 or higher, or assessed through the admission test);
  • an intermediate knowledge of English (proven by a certificate attesting to a B2 level or assessed through the admission test).

    Yes, if you are about to graduate you may also be admitted conditionally until you obtain the degree required for admission within one month from the start of the program. In this case, final enrollment will be contingent upon obtaining the necessary qualification.

    Yes, you just need to apply by attaching the three-year degree you have already obtained.

    Yes, if you have an equivalent foreign degree, you are also eligible to apply for enrollment in the GMC Master’s program. Admission in such cases will depend on the Teaching Committee’s evaluation of the degree’s suitability, in addition to the candidate’s performance on the selection test.

    Yes, your knowledge of the Chinese language can be assessed through the admission test.

    Yes, your knowledge of English can be assessed through the admission test.

    At the end of the selection procedure, the evaluation Committee will publish an admission ranking notice in the Documents section of this site and in the Master section of the University of Naples L’Orientale website.

    You can proceed with the completion of enrollment by paying the first installment and the regional fee for the right to study. You can find the details on the methods and deadlines in the admission ranking notice that will be published in the Documents section of this site and in the Master section of the University of Naples L’Orientale website.

    2. University Fees and Scholarships

    Yes, the total tuition fee for the Master’s program is €4,800, payable in two installments according to the following deadlines:

    • 1st installment €2,400: upon confirmation of enrollment, which corresponds to the official registration for the course;
    • 2nd installment €2,400: date to be determined.

    For further details on the payment methods, please refer to the Call for Applications available in the Documents section of this website or visit the Master’s section of the University of Naples L’Orientale website.

    The University of Naples L’Orientale does not offer scholarships specifically for the GMC Master. However, it is recommended that you check the website of your region of residence, as some regions offer annual regional contributions that can be requested to cover the costs of attending a first-level university master’s program.

    3. Student Career

    The GMC Master’s program includes a total of 10 courses. Detailed information about these courses can be found in the Study Programme section of this site.

    Classes are held online via the Teams platform, from Monday to Thursday, from morning to afternoon. Fridays are generally reserved for independent study or small group work, aimed at preparing for mid-term assessments related to individual courses.

    A workshop is an online course with an even more practical approach to activities relevant to the themes of the Master’s program.

    Independent study involves completing group projects or studying the teaching materials provided by the instructors of the individual courses.

    Yes, the minimum attendance requirement is 80% of the total class hours.

    At the end of each course, an intermediate assessment will be conducted to verify the knowledge acquired according to the modalities defined by the instructors of each module. The achievement of ECTS occurs through passing these intermediate tests.

    These assessments will be graded on a scale of thirty, with possible honors. A passing grade is considered to be at least 18 out of 30. All intermediate assessments are mandatory.

    Eligibility to take these assessments is contingent upon regular participation in the scheduled activities, as verified by the Master’s Management Council.

    You can only be admitted to the final exam after passing all intermediate assessments, subject to verification of regular participation in the required activities for each course and meeting the attendance percentage.

    The final exam, which can be individual or group-based, consists of the production of a paper related to the internship or another topic of particular interest and relevance. This paper must be presented before a specially appointed Commission.

    The final exam is graded out of 110, with possible honors. A passing grade is considered to be at least 66 out of 110. If the grade is below 66 out of 110, the exam can be retaken once according to the modalities established by the Master’s Management Council.

    GSDs (Gruppi Scientifico-Disciplinari) are the new scientific-disciplinary groups, recently adopted to streamline the previous differentiation between the scientific-disciplinary sectors (SSD) used for study plans and the competition sectors (SC) used for announcing competitions.

    4. Internship and Training

    You can carry out an in-person curricular internship by:

    • Choosing an institution/company/organization from those listed in the Internship Partners section of this website.
    • Responding to a CALL published in the Call for Curricular Internships section under Internship and Training on the University of Naples L’Orientale website.
    • Participating in the Calls published in the Curricular Internship Calls section under Internship and Training on the University of Naples L’Orientale website.
    • Choosing an institution/company/organization from the Excel file List of Agreements in the Internship and Training section on the University of Naples L’Orientale website.

    After making your selection, you need to fill out the Training Project. If the institution is not affiliated with the University, you must follow the instructions provided in the relevant FAQ.

    Yes, the internship can be carried out in Italy, China, or a third country at institutions/companies/organizations whose activities are relevant to the topics of the Master’s program.

    • Being a student regularly enrolled in the GMC Master’s program.
    • Recognition of 9 ECTS for 300 hours of internship.
    • Indicating the internship coordinator for the GMC Master’s program, Professor Pietro P. Masina, Director of the Master’s.
    • Completing the mandatory safety training.
    • Receiving the insurance policy number from the Internship Office.
    • Indicating the type of internship you will be undertaking, whether external internship or international internship, in-person or remote.

    Before starting the internship, it is necessary to ensure that you have completed the general and specific safety training course. The identification of risk (low – medium – high) is the responsibility of the entity/company/organization where you will be doing the internship.

    General and Specific Training for Low Risk: This training can be done in person or online via e-learning through accredited training entities (refer to State-Region Agreement 07/07/2016), or by taking the course on the Moodle platform provided by the University of Naples L’Orientale. Enrollment for this course is available according to the notices periodically issued by the Infrastructure and Digital Area – Prevention and Safety Office on the university website.

    Specific Training for Medium and High Risk: This training can be done through accredited training entities or will be provided free of charge at the University of Naples L’Orientale by Ing. Della Sala from the Infrastructure and Digital Area – Prevention and Safety Office.

    For more information, visit the Internship and Training section on the University of Naples L’Orientale website or contact the tutor of the GMC Master’s program.

    Download the Training Project (hereafter referred to as T.P.) from the Documents section of this website, then complete it and sign it, in agreement with the Tutor of the institution/company/organization, specifying the activities to be carried out, the educational objectives, and the start and end dates of the internship. The aforementioned Tutor and the Head of the Prevention and Protection Service of the institution/company/organization will sign the T.P.

    The T.P. must then be sent to the GMC Master’s tutor, who will submit it to Professor Pietro P. Masina. If the activities and educational objectives are deemed appropriate, he will approve the internship by signing it. Once authorized, the GMC Master’s tutor will send it to the Office of Postgraduate Program Planning and Management. The office will, upon receiving the T.P., send the insurance policy to the GMC Master’s tutor, who will notify you of the receipt. At that point, you must inform the host institution.

    Remember that:

    • The internship start date must be at least 7 working days after the email submission date.
    • The internship end date must be at least 15 working days before the date of the final exam.
    • It is not possible to start the internship without having received the insurance policy number from the Internship Office.
    • T.P.s that are incomplete, unsigned, or with dates that do not comply with the instructions in this notice will not be considered.
    • The internship must start and finish on the dates set in the T.P.

    If, in exceptional cases, it is not possible to complete the internship by the agreed end date, you must inform the GMC Master’s tutor and send an email to, with Professor Pietro P. Masina in copy (cc).

    If there is a new institution/company/organization where you would like to carry out the internship, you can propose the activation or renewal of agreements with the University of Naples L’Orientale.

    You should send an email to the GMC Master’s tutor, including:

    • The name of the chosen institution.
    • The possible activities to be carried out.
    • The educational objectives.
    • A website address and contact information (if available).

    The GMC Master’s tutor will inform the referring professor, Professor Pietro P. Masina, who will evaluate the request. If deemed appropriate, the GMC Master’s tutor will forward it to the Office of Postgraduate Program Planning and Management. The office and the GMC Master’s tutor will handle all administrative steps related to the signing of the agreements.

    From the first day, you must record the following in the Weekly Activity Log, which you can download from the Documents section of this website:

    • Attendances;
    • Dates;
    • Daily activities;
    • Hours worked.

    Remember to use a separate sheet for each week of the internship.

    No, the study plan of the GMC Master’s program strictly requires the completion of exactly 300 hours of curricular internship. These hours must be carefully recorded in the Activity Log, which must not reflect a total below or above 300 hours.

    At the end of the activities, send the following to the GMC Master’s tutor:

    • The Activity Log signed by both you and the tutor at the internship site.
    • The Internship Completion Certificate signed by the tutor at the internship site.
    • The Internship Evaluation Questionnaire.

    You can find the documents mentioned above in the Documents section of this website.

    For the recording/accreditation of the internship activity for your academic career, after submitting the required documentation, you will need to register through your personal page on Esse3.

    A curricular internship, required by the Study Plan, can be activated for students regularly enrolled in a degree program or a university master’s program. By law, it does not necessarily include a participation allowance, although the host organization may choose to provide one.

    An extracurricular internship is not part of the Study Plan, but it is promoted by the university the intern is enrolled in or, with prior notification to the university, by other promoting entities. In this case, a participation allowance is mandatory by law and must comply with the minimum limits set by regional regulations.

    To request the activation of an extracurricular internship, you must send an email to Dr. La Scala at the Office of Orientation, Inclusivity, Internships, Placement, and Student Collaborations (, copying the contact person at the institution/company/organization where you would like to do the extracurricular internship. The office will send all the necessary documentation to complete in order to start the collaboration.

    Remember to contact the office well in advance of the date you wish to begin the extracurricular internship.

    5. Graduates

    You can collect your Master’s diploma from Monday to Thursday, between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM, with a €16.00 stamp duty, at the Office of Postgraduate Program Planning and Management – Palazzo del Mediterraneo, Via Nuova Marina 59, Naples, 8th floor, room 8.3.

    The Master’s diploma is a single copy and is issued after the degree is awarded. The certificate of degree completion, on the other hand, can be downloaded from your personal Esse3 page whenever needed.

    Got questions?

    For any information requests, visit the FAQ section of our website or contact us!

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